Monday, April 27, 2009


Some doodling-having fun doing idea sketches. I came across a guy on the subway, the loud talker, tough talking guy telling stories with foul language but still lovable kind of guy. I started drawing him and he became a character I've been sketching him on napkins and notebook paper ever since. Not sure what I'm gonna do with the idea but i think i might want to do a comic strip sort of thing.



every train has that dude on it lately.....

Unknown said...

Oooooh gurl I love this guy already! He epitomizes several friends and family members I have come to know and love all my life...I LOVE THEM

pilartoons said...

Yea after tomorrow's Asifa festival I'm gonna really start developing him. I've been coming up with about an idea a day for him just riding on the trains! Haha thanks for letting me share!